Naše podjetje se je odločilo, da bomo vsi zelo dobrodelni, dobrosrčni in bomo z majhnimi dejanji nekomu polepšali dneve. Vsak zaposlen je sam odločil kaj bo naredil.
Our company has decided to be charitable, kindhearted and our aim is to bring happines into peoples lives by showing attention to the ones in need. Each employee shall decide they way of suport.
Tamara se je odločila da bo pomagala osnovnošolcu z učenjem matematike:
Tamara decided to help an elementary school student by tutoring mathematics
Špela in Mišel sta v Osnovni šoli Mala Nedelja pomagali pri ustvarjanju pustnih likov in pobarvank:
Špela and Mišel assisted in the creation of carnival characters and coloring books at Mala Nedelja Primary School:
Larisa in Shqiponja sta se opravili v Dnevni center za otroke in mladostnike, kjer sta jim nudili pomoč pri reševanju domačih nalog.
Larisa and Shqiponja went to the Day Care Center for Children and Adolescents to help them do their homeworks.